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Purge Viewers

Purge Button in Viewers Window

The above image depicts Toolkit’s viewer editor window. When ToolkitUtils is installed, you’ll notice a “purge” button in the top-right corner of the window. Clicking this button allows you to open Utils’ purge window.

Purge Window

The above image depicts the window shown after the purge button has been clicked. This window allows you to set constraints for your purge.

Comparison Type Description
>= The value the constraint compares against must be greater than or equal to the value of the constraint.
> The value the constraint compares against must be greater than the value of the constraint.
= The value the constraint compares against must be the value of the constraint.
<= The value the constraint compares against must be less than or equal to the value of the constraint.
< The value the constraint compares against must be less than the value of the constraint.
is This comparison is similar to = in that the values must match.
is not This comparison is the inverse of is in that the values must not match.
contains This comparison checks to see if the constraint’s value is in the value.
startswith This comparison checks to see if the value starts with the constraint’s value.
endswith This comparison checks to see if the value ends with the constraint’s value.

Purge Window Review

The above image depicts the window shown after the “purge viewers” button has been clicked. This screen allows you to excempt affected viewers from being purged. Clicking the “confirm” purges all viewers left on the screen.