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Mod Compatibility

Utils expands upon Twitch Toolkit in a number of ways, including adding some varying level of support for many popular mods. While most of the support extends or outright adds new content to the mod, a few are only for ensuring a smooth experience while playing with those mods.

Table of contents
  1. Mod Compatibility
    1. RimWorld of Magic
      1. Viewer Class
      2. Class Traits
    2. Interests
    3. Simple Sidearms
    4. Immortals
    5. Humanoid Alien Races

RimWorld of Magic

The A RimWorld of Magic specific compatibility code includes a command for showing your pawn’s class, and extending the trait commands to better handle class changes. While they do work majority of scenarios, the feature itself is still considered experimental as RimWorld of Magic’s mod author could change any of the underlying code the compatiblity code was built on, and as a result may be unpredictable between mod updates.

Viewer Class

The relevant command (!mypawnclass) allows a viewer to check their current class’ stats. The command doesn’t provide a way to check abilities, nor will the mod ever provide a way to adjust your abilities from chat. The information displayed in this command includes the pawn’s class name, current level, current experience, experience cap for their current level, current stamina/mana, current stamina/mana gain, and any ability points available.

Class Traits

This feature changes how the trait commands handle class traits. By default, the mod is set to forbid class changes, and as a result this feature is effectively disabled. When class changes are allowed, adding a class trait will forbid you from having multiple classes, and removing a class trait will perform the same action as RimWorld of Magic’s class removal gem.


The Interests specific compatibility code changes how passion events handle interests. Prior to this, the passion events would remove interests when they modified a skill. With the patch, the passion events forbid or ignore modifying skills with interests.

Simple Sidearms

The Simple Sidearms specific compatibility code changes how the !mypawngear command displays information. With the patch, the command will also include any equipped sidearms in the command’s list of weapons.


The Immortals specific compatibility code adds a new event, called immortality, that allows viewers to purchase the mod’s immortality. The event doesn’t include a way of increasing or decreasing the level of immortality a given pawn has – it only allows you to purchase the base level.

Humanoid Alien Races

The Humanoid Alien Races specific compatibility code changes how the trait events handle race-specific settings the mod author has definied. The patch only allows viewers to purchase traits that would otherwise be forbidden, or disable removing traits that are forcibly active.