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Table of contents
  1. Commands
    1. Colony Commands
    2. Pawn Commands
    3. Misc Commands

Colony Commands

Name User Level Usage Description
Colonist count Anyone !colonists Displays the current number of colonists in the colony.
Factions Anyone !factions Displays a list of factions in the game, as well as the colony’s current goodwill with them.
Wealth Anyone !wealth Displays the wealth of the currently visible map.

Pawn Commands

Name User Level Usage Description
Abandon pawn Anyone !leave Forces your colonist to leave the colony. Depending on the settings enabled, the pawn will drop their inventory prior to leaving.
Insult pawn Anyone !insult
!insult <viewer>
Insults the specified viewer, or a random pawn if unspecified.
Pawn class Anyone !mypawnclass Displays a viewer’s pawn’s current A RimWorld of Magic class. This command is only usable when A RimWorld of Magic is enabled.
Pawn body Anyone !mypawnbody Displays all current hediffs a viewer’s pawn has.
Pawn gear Anyone !mypawngear Displays a viewer’s pawn’s currently equipped gear, and armor rating. All displayed information is configurable in the mod’s settings page.
Pawn health Anyone !mypawnhealth
!mypawnhealth <capacity>
Displays an overview of viewer’s pawn’s health.
Pawn kills Anyone !mypawnkills Displays the list of kills a viewer’s pawn has killed this game.
Pawn needs Anyone !mypawnneeds Displays a viewer’s pawn’s needs and their current satisfaction.
Pawn relations Anyone !mypawnrelations
!mypawnrelations <viewer>
Displays a overview of the viewer’s pawn’s relationships. Depending on the settings enabled, this command may only show named relations, like spouse or rival. If viewer is specified, the command will instead show the opinion the viewer’s pawn has of the other viewer’s pawn, and vice versa.
Pawn stats Anyone !mypawnstats [stat_name [stat_name ...]] Displays a viewer’s pawn’s combat stats if no stats were specified, or only the stats specified.
Pawn work Anyone !mypawnwork [WORK=PRIORITY [WORK=PRIORITY ...]] Displays a viewer’s pawn’s work settings. Depending on the settings enabled, disabled work types would be hidden from the response, as well as sorted. Viewers can also change their pawn’s work settings by specifying WORK, where WORK is the name of the work type, and PRIORITY, where priority is the number from 0-4.
Relink pawn Anyone !fixmypawn Relinks a viewer to their pawn internally. This does not reconnect, nor otherwise connect, on Puppeteer.
Set favorite color Anyone !setfavoritecolor <color>
!setfavoritecolor <hexcode>
Sets the viewer’s pawn’s favorite color to the color specified. This command requires Ideology to be installed and enabled before it’ll be available for use.

Misc Commands

Name User Level Usage Description
Price check Anyone !price <category> <product> [quantity]
!price <item> [quantity]
Displays the price of the product in the specified category. If no category is specified, the item category will be used instead.
Relink pawns Moderator !fixallpawns Relinks all viewers to their pawns internally. This does not reconnect, nor connect, them on Puppeteer.
Toggle shop Moderator !togglestore Toggles viewer’s ability to purchase anything from Toolkit’s store.